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One of the bars is located in the Gothic Quarter, and the second in Raval. These places belong to the gay guys from Venezuela, that under the fiery Latin music prepared chic mojito and delicious Venezuelan snacks. It's your choice about 20 different varieties of rum, based on which will prepare your mojito.

Biting in Rabipelao can also be notable and inexpensive. Book empanadas - the typical Latin American pies, with meat or beans and cheese. They will be served with cheese and green sauce from a variety of herbs and spices, trust, it will be unforgettable. Also we recommend you try the local burgers, in their tender meat, plus there is a vegetarian option.

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Sauna Thermas. Bares y restaurantes. El Berro. Night Barcelona Gay Bar. Metro Disco BCN. Grupo Arena. New Pervert Club. Axel Hotel.

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Barcelona Circuit Festival. Barcelona Gay Film Festival. Sala de la Sauna Condal, Barcelona. Sauna Casanova, Barcelona. Instalaciones de la Sauna Thermas, Barcelona.

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