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Robin Williams on the Vatican and homosexuality

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DVD Filter Applied. Género ver todo. Comedia Filter Applied. So Robbie was implying that Doncaster was too stodgy, too boring, too straight to have camp culture. But to me, his statement itself seems homophobic, in assuming that camp was confined to some cosmopolitan, rarified space, or that camp existed for entertainment only, or that it was somehow entertainment only for straight people.

At any rate, Doncaster fired back. This post originally from here. Originally posted by louie-larrie. Robbie Williams pointing a middle finger at the camera during his live opening performance for the world cup, what an icon. Log in Sign up. Robbie Williams. What do famous people think about Brandon Flowers. Robbie Williams: The Killers sound is unique and I think Brandon Flowers is one of the best songwriters on the planet.

Imagine Dragons: Always making Vegas proud.

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Paul Banks - Interpol: He's a great great singer. Nick Jonas: Brandon Flowers of the Killers is really talented. Would love to work with him one day. Mike Posner: Hey Brandon Flowers I just wanted to say I'll buy and listen to anything you do. Nick Petricca - Walk the Moon: I had this strong sensation of like being at church and Brandon Flowers is like our direct connection to the lord.

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We got to meet Brandon Flowers when we played a gig in Vegas. I got to talk to him and tell him that his band was the band that made me want to be in a band. Van McCann - Catfish and the Bottlemen: Brandon Flowers sent me an email a while ago because we covered one of their songs in Australia and he said he liked the cover and I was just major buzzing off that.

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