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They will say things like, look, both the Old and New Testaments in the Bible are very clear about this: God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman. And when straight people start upholding biblical law in civic culture, then maybe gay people should consider it, but not until then. Host 1: From your point of view, is it better to legalize same-sex marriage by passing a law in the legislature, or are courts a better venue for this?

60 fotos e imágenes de gran calidad de Gay Men's Health Crisis - Getty Images

Shakira Sison Deanne-I think now in , clearly, the legislatures are a better way to do it. To everything its season. When this issue first came up in — the first gay couple tried to get married in , filed a lawsuit and lost — the courts were the only place you could go. There was no chance that any legislature would ever even hear you out if you were gay and wanted to get married.

But I think the court strategy has basically exhausted its utility. In fact, it may have overreached. They are almost all gone because of the state constitutional amendments and because a lot of courts have acted already. I think it is qualitatively different and better if you get married with the consent of your community, which, in America, means your state legislature, among other things.

Host 2: Gay Rights should be supported. What do you think? Are there any downsides for gays and lesbians? Vice Ganda James-No. No, I see none at all. For gays and lesbians, I see only an upside. I see the prospect for young people to grow up assuming that they will have families and connections to their community that have been denied to gay people for thousands of years.


I see no downside at all for gay people. Host 2: Vice, Ms. Shakira Sison and Mr. Host 1: Have a great day, and thanks for watching. Come back and chit chat with The View again tomorrow! Lea gratis durante 30 días. Comience la prueba gratis Cancele en cualquier momento. Talk Show Script. Cargado por Joash Normie Duldulao. Información del documento hacer clic para expandir la información del documento Descripción: ifs a agoae goi aoig aoei. Fecha en que fue cargado Jul 30, Compartir este documento Compartir o incrustar documentos Opciones para compartir Compartir en Facebook, abre una nueva ventana Facebook.

Denunciar este documento. Descripción: ifs a agoae goi aoig aoei. National Black Justice Coalition - is a civil rights organization of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and allies dedicated to fostering equality by fighting racism and homophobia.

We want to help direct and empower our youth towards healthier and more productive lifestyles. Our Slogan is "Bridging the gap… making a difference. Our purpose for the BlackOUT weekend is to build a more unified and tolerant Oakland, to help build the economy, and serve the under-served.

POW-WOW, Inc - The vision will be to provide and create performance and writing opportunity for writers, male and female to address the social justice issues concerning women particularly those issues that affect women in the multi linguistic regions of the African Diaspora.

A place where you can interact with lesbian women on all levels. A website that is a warm and intimate place for us to share our thoughts. Brown-Ross in is an Avant-garde film festival that will bring you the best films about the Black LGBT experience from around the world.

The four-day festival consists of showcasing the work of both gay and straight award-winning filmmakers of African descent ground-breaking films. SistahFriends is a non-profit c 3 organization dedicated to the emerging emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, artistic, health, physical enrichment, and well-being needs of African-American women. The group developed from the growing need for resources and visibility for the LGBT communities of color. United Lesbians of African Heritage - United Lesbians of African Heritage is dedicated to the visibility, unity and empowerment of lesbians of African heritage.

Their programs include a leadership program for lesbian youth, health education and an annual retreat for lesbians of African heritage. The William Way Community Cente r - The William Way Community Center seeks to encourage, support, and advocate for the well-being and acceptance of sexual and gender minorities through service, recreational, educational, and cultural programming.

Women in the Life Association - Women in the Life Association WITLA is a social justice organization advancing the rights of lesbians of color through cultural affirmation, education and advocacy. Zami - is a not-for-profit collective for lesbians of African descent residing in the Atlanta Metropolitan area.

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In , Zuna Institute was born at the kitchen table of sistahs who believe that the black lesbian community can benefit from a national presence. They share a mother but each father fertilised one egg before they were implanted into a surrogate. Orlando, 13, is Aspen's genetic twin but was grown in the womb of a different surrogate.

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Twins Dallas and Jasper, six, were born from the eggs of the anonymous Brazilian model and carried by the second surrogate. The couple plan to name the triplets Milan, Paris and London. It's complex,' said Barrie. I feel like I need more babies because I'm selfish. But I can give my babies a good home and good upbringing. Fatherhood has been one of the best decisions Tony and I have made. The couple's embryos are held at California Fertility Partners, a centre run by Dr Guy Ringler, one of the first fertility doctors in the world to help gay men have families.

Barrie, a trained social worker, said that if the frozen embryos are not suitable, they will pay the Brazilian model for more eggs as they want their children to be biologically connected. If she says no, they will hold auditions in Beverly Hills. The chosen woman would have to be 'gorgeous, outgoing, confident — and I'm not worried if they are thick.

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Beauty is more important than brains, I want all my girls to be gorgeous, like Saffron,' he said. I'm five foot six, fat and not very attractive but as two gay men we are very fussy. The couple has already had an offer from a UK surrogate.

Tony added: 'I'm excited, but also nervous. I know I'm getting older, but we have been talking about this for such a long time that now is the right time to do it. The whole family should agree with what they're planning as they are going to be living with all of us. The couple are in talks with TV companies who wish to follow every aspect of this pregnancy, including the birth. Despite their happy family and the fact that the couple are feted in the gay community as a power couple, they have received thousands of threats by post and online.

Barrie said that, as a result, in many ways he would prefer his children to be straight, as he feels it is still easier to be straight than gay in modern Britain.