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Ephesians 4. Footnotes: Greek a grace. Footnotes: Sal las partes bajas, o sea, a la tierra?

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Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Pero la sorpresa saltó al destapar la tercera hornacina del altar mayor: se desparramó una cabellera de color cobre, de veintidós metros y once centímetros de largo, perteneciente a una niña. La idea de que esa tumba pudiera ser la suya fue mi noticia de aquel día, y el origen de este libro". Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. Published February 7th by Plaza y Janes first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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To ask other readers questions about Del amor y otros demonios , please sign up. Anne ofcourse It's a great book Read and enjoy :. What de lora did for being punished? Aida Delaura confessed to the Bishop everything, with the exception of his love for the girl. The Bishop felt his interactions with the Dr were bordering …more Delaura confessed to the Bishop everything, with the exception of his love for the girl.

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The Bishop felt his interactions with the Dr were bordering on heresy, as forbidden books were considered treasonous. Rather than have him go in front of a tribunal, he vanquished him to the lepers hospital ward. Somethings lose their meaning in the translation.


See 2 questions about Del amor y otros demonios…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3.

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Rating details. Sort order. Start your review of Del amor y otros demonios. As always, he joined him in the evening prayers, closing his eyes to make it easier to think of Sierva María as he prayed.

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  4. He retired to the library earlier than usual, thinking of her, and the more he thought the stronger grew his desire to think. He recited aloud the love sonnets of Garcilaso, torn by the suspicion that every verse contained an enigmatic portent that had something to do with his life. He could not sleep. At dawn he was slumped over the desk, his forehead pressing against the book he had not read.

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    From the depths of sleep he heard the three nocturns of the new day's Matins in the adjacent sanctuary. His own voice startled him awake, and in her inmate's tunic, with her fiery hair spilling over her shoulders, he saw Sierva María discard the old carnation and place a bouquet of newly opened gardenias in the vase on his work table. Delaura, with Garcilaso, told her in an ardent voice: "For you was I born, for you do I have life, for you will I die, for you am I now dying.

    He closed his eyes to be sure she was not an illusion of the shadows.