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Since the architecture to painting, through the sculpture. In painting, the history of Europe, from the year to the year , is the story of the passage of the flat paint, paint two-dimensional to painting in three dimensions, giving the illusion , the most perfect as possible, of the reality, such as we see it. This is obviously not the reality of a spider, but it is the reality for the man.

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The Renaissance of the 16th century, has brought nothing very new in the field of artistic techniques, or little. In architecture, this is obvious: Italian architecture of Brunelleschi and Alberti is not technically superior to the art of the Romanesque architects of Cluny and Gothic architects of Chartres. But the techniques he uses to build it, are those of European Gothic architecture.

It is with Gothic techniques that Brunelleschi built a Roman or Byzantine dome. In sculpture, the artists discover again, throughout the Romanesque and the Gothic period, the techniques of the Round-Bump. The early Christian art, Merovingian, is often limited to the low relief, but gradually the reliefs rise, emerge from their support, and become statues. It is again possible go round the sculptures, as in the time of the Greeks and the Romans. At the same time, the psychological expressions of the statues are individualized and refined. In Northern Europe as well as in Italy. The Renaissance brings in sculpture, a single notable technical innovation: The newfound mastery of the sculpture in bronze, and in particular the rider on his horse.

A technique totally lost, since the collapse of the Roman Empire.

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Italy, however, had the advantage of having at home, important remains of Roman times, especially with the sarcophagi. The Italian sculpture has taken a more realistic direction, more naturalistic than the Gothic of northern Europe. In painting it is, likewise, very gradually, from the year , that the Romanesque and Gothic artists, first in book illumination, in the fresco, and in stained glass, afterwards in the easel painting, discover again the techniques that are used to represent, in a realistic and natural way, the men, the animals and landscapes.

Realistically, ie in three dimensions. With the volumes of the body, and the depth of the scenery. And find again the art of painting the men and animals, resembling. The sculpture has a strong influence on the painters of the 15th century. Gothic painters have multiplied the "greyness". In Italy a painter like Mantegna was inspired very clearly by the work of sculptors like Pisano already working in the 13th century by imitating the low or high Roman reliefs. By imitating sculptures, the painters demonstrated their new technical capabilities, to make the volumes of men, animals, and psychological expressions.

Carlo Crivelli and the school of Ferrara are also very representative of this fascination of European painters of the 15th century for sculpture and also architecture. The reproduction of buildings, low reliefs, high reliefs, statues were valuable exercises allowing the painters to demonstrate their technical skill found in the exact representation of reality: paint the world in three dimensions, as the men see it. On this ground, of the the passage of European painting, from the two dimensions to the illusion of the three dimensions, the Renaissance is in no way a revolution, it is only a result.

On this path Italy has innovated in the technique of perspective. Gothic painters, both in northern and southern Western Europe, had invented an intuitive perspective that gave an impression of credible but approximate depth. The Italians have developed an accurate, mathematical perspective, and it is thus that towards the European art arrived at the end of the road that painters and sculptors have traveled since the Romanesque era and the year The whole European painting, for three centuries and more, from until , will reproduce the world accurately, and naturally, as faithfully as possible, in three dimensions, on this flat surface, that is a wall or a table.

A successful painting is one that gives the most perfect illusion of reality. The story will change on this point, with modern art, and with its romantic premisses, in the s and subsequent. Before even the photograph appear. You can count Bekins to provide the the most comprehensive services and the best customer relations in the entire metropolitan area.

While a new family is moving into the Driftwood Club, another, unwelcome guest is setting up residence in the parking lot. Wales captured on 35mm colour film, went old school to see how different it was compared to our digital images that we so take for granted too much sometimes. I think the grainyness adds a little something that i did not see before not sure if it the film or the camera lens. Andaba yo "apacharringada" en el cesped del parque con unos amigos, para ser exactos éramos cuatro, y dos reflex, la canon D y la nueva adquisición, nikon D, cuando en la tranquilidad del momento observo este pequeño detalle, asique aqui lo teneis :.

View On Black the way it should be seen! Carlo Dolci La Vierge au Lys. The Madonna of the Lys.

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Montpellier Musée Fabre. Pendant des millénaires, en Europe, et dans toutes les civilisations, "le Beau" a été un but et un critère de l'Art, notamment en peinture. De l'époque médiévale à l'Art Moderne, l'artiste a toujours eu pour finalité le Beau. Même quand il entendait peindre une situation dramatique, ou horrible comme les événements de la passion du Christ Retable d'Issenheim ou l'Enfer Bouts, Bosch. Comme l'a écrit Mikel Dufrenne dans un article de l'encyclopédie Universalis, le Beau est défini par trois critères, que l'on dira objectifs : L'opinion des élites, l'opinion commune de la population, le temps.

Une excellente définition, pratique, pragmatique, qui ne se noie pas dans les concepts abstraits, la recherche d'une Essence du Beau, et utilise un langage parfaitement compréhensible. Ces définitions laissent bien sûr la place à l'opinion individuelle et aux goûts de chacun. C'est un quatrième critère, plus subjectif, qui varie en fonction des individus. Telle oeuvre peut procurer du bonheur à telle personne, et pas, ou moins, à telle autre. Mais d'une part le but essentiel de l'artiste était de procurer un bonheur à son public, et ce bonheur était ressenti par une majorité d'hommes de milieux différents.

L'attitude totalement relativiste qui consiste à dire qu'il n'y a pas de critère du Beau, et que tout est affaire de goût personnel, est fausse, par excès, et par méconnaissance des réalités historiques établies. Il est vrai qu'il n'existe pas de définition, abstraite, philosophique du Beau. Il semble que les grands philosophes aient tous échoué dans toutes leurs tentatives pour en une proposer une. Il n'existe pas non plus de définition mathématique du Beau. Il est donc inutile de se casser à la tête à rechercher des définitions abstraites du Beau.

Mais le Beau n'en existe pas moins. Le Beau est un fait d'expérience dont toute l'histoire humaine témoigne, dans toutes les civilisations. Hemos sufrido por todo lo que se ha dicho. Pero estamos aquí, vivos. Hemos vuelto a Europa porque lo hemos ganado en el campo. Ahora recuperamos la sonrisa y la felicidad de la gente!! Forza Milan Repost suso. Adesso ci riprenderemo il sorriso e la felicità Forza Milan. Alguien por aquí puede seguir estas horas?. Los científicos han elegido 1.

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Tutto il resto sono cose sue. Se poi ne facciamo una questione di esempio dobbiamo cambiare pianeta, tutti.

Chất Gây Nghiện voll11 - Thành Koi Mix

Así como el cielo -y nosotros- su potencial es vasto. Y cuando queremos controlar, jugamos a ser Dios. En las religiones Taoistas, se refieren a Dios como una energía. Enfermarnos nos forza a parar, a bajar el ritmo, a mantenernos calmados para que la sanación ocurra. Ésta es una de las razones por las que las personas controladoras tienen insomnio, simplemente no pueden soltar y dejar ir. En este tambien la idea es que cargues full peso y que te vean, pero resulta que todo doblado hacia adelante no haces el movimiento completo.

Por lo que puede que también hagas el ridiculo. Así deberías hacerlo. Fíjate que estoy elevando los hombros y luego es que realizó la flexión de brazo.