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He worried that identifying as trans would lead to a lifetime of harassment and abuse. Vincenzo: Yo no quería ser el objeto de tantas miradas, de tantos insultos. Yo no me sentía capaz de aceptar mi realidad.

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Martina: Vincenzo was in deep denial. So Ana Cristina took him shopping for something he could wear to church. Vincenzo: Nosotros fuimos a comprar ropa. Yo empecé a ponerme vestidos de flores y mi cuerpo entró en shock. Vincenzo: Ana Cristina me ayudó a comprar un pantalón café y una camisa polo. Luego, yo me senté en una silla y empecé a llorar.

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Later, Ana Cristina sent him some YouTube videos of transgender people talking about how they transitioned. And suddenly, Vincenzo felt like a huge burden had been lifted. Y, en ese momento, por primera vez, tuve la esperanza de ver un poco de color en mi vida. He remembered all of those hidden moments locked in his room, painting his face.

He grabbed a makeup pencil and repeated the ritual one last time for Ana Cristina. Martina: Overjoyed to have the support of his partner, he sought out an endocrinologist so he could start hormone therapy. Vincenzo: Ana Cristina y yo fuimos al endocrinólogo y yo fui víctima de un caso de transfobia horrible. Martina: The doctor refused to help him.

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Dejected but not deterred, Vincenzo looked for another doctor, one who would support his decision to take testosterone and begin his medical transition. Vincenzo: Después de un tiempo, encontré otro doctor que podía ayudarme y me prescribió testosterona. Yo fui inmediatamente a la farmacia. Vincenzo: Yo comencé a ver diferencias en mi cuerpo: mi barba comenzó a crecer y mi voz cambió. Martina: He looked in the mirror and finally started to see the person he always knew he was. His curvy hips looked a bit straighter. Hair appeared on his chin, and his eyebrows thickened — for real this time.

He even started growing a mustache, or bigote. Vincenzo: Me salió un bigote un poco ridículo, con solo cinco pelos de cada lado, pero a mí me encantaba cada uno de ellos. También me hice una mastectomía. Ese fue el mejor día de mi vida. Martina: In his new body, Vincenzo felt lighter, stronger, more confident. But the more he was perceived as a man, other problems began to arise. Yo lo sabía muy bien, pero ahora lo estaba viviendo. Martina: For Vincenzo, discrimination was part of everyday life.

Even a trip to the grocery store was a struggle. Vincenzo: En el supermercado, las personas me miraban mal porque yo seguía usando mi tarjeta de crédito con mi nombre de mujer. Martina: Every time, Vincenzo had to brace for some sort of confrontation at the store. Vincenzo: Yo vivía con miedo, porque sentía que la sociedad podía reaccionar de forma negativa simplemente porque yo era trans.

Martina: Vincenzo was scared. If his ID outed him as trans to the wrong person, it could mean big trouble. Vincenzo: Yo necesitaba una identificación, una verdadera representación de quien era: un hombre con el nombre de Vincenzo. Or worse, one who was completely opposed to transgender rights. Vincenzo: El juez me pidió dos testigos para el cambio de nombre. Uno de esos testigos era Ana Cristina, mi pareja. Martina: When Ana Cristina got up in front of the judge as a witness — una testigo — she was overcome with emotion.

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Vincenzo: El juez tomó su decisión. Martina: Vincenzo got the outcome he hoped for, but he still felt powerless. Después de eso, decidimos trabajar para sensibilizar a los jueces frente a esta situación. Martina: Standing in front of that judge, Vincenzo, the transgender activist, was born. In the wake of his courtroom humiliation, Vincenzo started to organize.

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Por esta razón, junto con HTCR, nosotros organizamos grupos para ayudar a hombres trans. Martina: They hosted educational workshops about how to change your name and gender on ID cards, or how to access health care. They worked with other groups to set up HIV testing programs and spread political awareness. Vincenzo: Estamos trabajando porque queremos tener los mismos derechos que todas las personas. También hacemos memoriales para los transgéneros que han sido asesinados en este país.

In , the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights, which is based in Costa Rica, published its opinion on same-sex marriage and gender identity. Vincenzo: La Corte decidió que todas las personas deben tener el mismo derecho a casarse, sin importar su género. La Corte también decidió que el derecho a la identidad es fundamental para todos los otros derechos. Martina: The court explained that every human right stems from the right to self-identify.

The right to own property, to have a bank account, to get a job, to vote… Everything depends on an ID that represents who you are. Vincenzo: Después de la decisión de la corte, las personas transgénero ya no tenían que ir frente a un juez para pedir el cambio de nombre. Martina: It was a huge personal victory for Vincenzo, and a giant step forward for Costa Rica. Then, another milestone: The Department of Health extended health benefits to cover hormone replacement therapy, as well as psychological support while transitioning.

Por ejemplo, el gobierno todavía no cubre los gastos de ninguna cirugía. Martina: Vincenzo and his fellow activists had been fighting hard for dignity, respect, and human rights. But their wins led to an unintended consequence. Vincenzo: Fue precisamente por la decisión de la corte y todos los avances de la comunidad LGBTIQ que el movimiento conservador creció.

Martina: Just ahead of the presidential election, a conservative backlash took hold. And the two candidates in that election could not have been more different… except for one thing. Vincenzo: Era muy curioso porque los dos candidatos tenían el mismo apellido, Carlos Alvarado y Fabricio Alvarado, pero representaban ideas totalmente contrarias. Martina: Carlos Alvarado was an established progressive politician in favor of same-sex marriage. But Fabricio Alvarado, an evangelical Christian singer, strongly opposed same-sex marriage and transgender rights.

At Bryan discusses his journey back from Gay Massachusetts. At they discuss what they would like to do with their bodies once they die. At a listener writes in looking for advice on how to be a better ally. Pulsa aquí para actualizar resultados. Luke songwriting controversy. At they play a round of cock it or block it. At a listener writes in wondering how to help a married friend come out of the closet. Bryan and Chris were in Fire Island together this weekend and start the show with a recap of what went down. They start with her move from Australia to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming a YouTuber, chat about her first viral video, and how they deal with trolls.

They also discuss the differences between gay, straight and lesbian relationships.

At they play a round of Cock It or Block It, which leads to a conversation about makeup tutorials. Chris and Bryan are back for an episode months in the making. They start by discussing Chris saving the life of a poor elderly man on the train.