Conchita Wurst fue la estrella invitada del pasado Freedom Festival Maspalomas. El grupazo de eurodance de los 90 viene al escenario principal del Yumbo para hacerte bailar como si fuera Para Tod s Ellos Ellas. MrLorenzo 30 enero, La ciudad tiene mucha presencia de naturaleza.

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Cuenta con unos 1. Tiene espacios de historia, arte, biología, paleontología e historia natural. Tampoco debes perderte el Distrito de la destilería. Una zona cuidadosamente restaurada que cuenta con muchos ejemplos de la arquitectura industrial del siglo XIX. Metro: Sus dos grandes líneas son la amarilla y la verde, y la mayoría de estaciones cuentan con intercambiadores de transporte. La línea amarilla tiene forma de U, con dos tramos paralelos que conectan el norte de la ciudad con el centro con una curva en la zona de Union Station.

Uno de ellos sigue el recorrido de Yonge Street, la calle principal de la ciudad, y el otro llega al centro por University Avenue. La línea verde atraviesa la ciudad de Este a Oeste.

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Tranvía: La mayoría de sus rutas recorren la ciudad de este a oeste y atraviesan las calles principales del Downtown. La mayoría tienen su terminal en el intercambiador de una estación de metro, y cuentan también con servicio nocturno. Distrito de la destilería : Es una zona cuidadosamente restaurada que cuenta con muchos ejemplos de la arquitectura industrial del siglo XIX. Congressmen Carlos Bruce and Alberto de Belaunde, from the center-right party Peruvians for Change , reintroduced a civil union bill in Congress in late November President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski announced his support for same-sex civil unions during his presidential campaign.

On 14 February , a bill legalizing same-sex marriage was introduced in the Peruvian Congress. Huilca said that the legislation was not about "creating ad hoc legal recognition" for same-sex couples but to extend equal rights. The couple, married in Belgium , sought to register property they purchased in the country. However, the public registrar refused. On 3 February, the court determined that the applicable law in this case was Belgian law and not Peruvian law.

As such, it ruled that the couple can purchase and register property in Peru. The public registrar again refused, saying that although in this case the marriage had been contracted under Belgian law, this contravened international law and order under treaties signed by Peru. In September, the court ruled that the marriage could not be incompatible with international public order because same-sex marriage is allowed in many countries and again ruled that Peruvian law was not applicable to the case because it is a marriage governed under the laws of Belgium.

As a result, same-sex couples who have married in a foreign country will have no problems in registering property they purchased in Peru and have their economic rights recognized. The court ruled that not recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other countries would be highly discriminatory and contrary to both the Peruvian Constitution and many international provisions. The court found that the only reason upon which the marriage was not recognized was because it was concluded between persons of the same sex, and that argument is not reasonable and objective.

Additionally, it cited many international precedents, including Atala Riffo and Daughters v. Chile and Obergefell v. The Court did not rule on the merits of the case, however. Ugarteche has announced his intention to appeal to the Constitutional Court. In April , it was reported that four cases seeking recognition for same-sex marriage in Peru were pending.

One of them related to a marriage performed abroad, for which the couple were seeking recognition in Peru through a lawsuit.

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Another was brought by a Peruvian citizen seeking the right to marry his same-sex partner in Peru from a court in Lima. After a motion lodged by Costa Rica , the Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a ruling in favour of same-sex marriage on 9 January , requiring countries signatory to the American Convention on Human Rights to legalise same-sex marriage.

On 11 January, the president of the Supreme Court of Peru and chairman of the country's judiciary , Duberlí Rodríguez, stated that Peru should abide by the decision. Article 2.

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No person shall be discriminated against on the basis of origin, race, sex, language, opinion, economic status, or any other distinguishing feature". Sexual orientation and gender identity can be included under "any other distinguishing feature", but are not explicitly mentioned. In July , Congress voted down, with 18 abstentions, a bill to amend Peru's hate crime laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity. It would establish explicit protection to LGBT people against discrimination, persecution and incitement to hatred. However, in May , the Peruvian Congress voted by 66 votes to 29 to remove these provisions from hate crime and anti-discrimination laws.

Members of the largest party in Congress, Popular Force , whose leader narrowly lost to Kuczynksi in the elections , were joined by members of the Alliance For Progress , to remove the provisions issued in the decree. As of November , according to Articles 46 and of the Penal Code, the decree issued in outlawing discrimination, incitement to discrimination, and hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity is still in effect. In addition to the decree prohibiting discrimination against LGBT people nationwide, a number of regions and districts have enacted their own anti-discrimination laws covering among others sexual orientation and gender identity.

Transgender people are allowed to change their name so that it matches their gender identity. In May , the Peruvian Constitutional Court ruled that a transgender woman could not change her gender on her national identity document.

On 4 November , a bill allowing transgender people to legally change their gender without the need for surgery was introduced in the Peruvian Congress. It bill also seeks to allow transgender people access to passports and other identity documents which match their gender identity. On 21 October , the Constitutional Court of Peru reversed its decision, in which the court had determined that sex could only be biological and chromosomal. In this new ruling, published on 8 November, the court acknowledged that people are not only defined by their biological sex, but one must also take into consideration their psychic and social reality.

Therefore, the court now recognizes the right of transgender persons to their gender identity. With this decision, transgender people in Peru may apply for a gender change before a judge without the need for sex reassignment surgery.

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Peru joined Argentina , Bolivia , Colombia , Ecuador and Uruguay in loosening requirements for gender transitions. Until , military and police personnel, who engaged in same-sex sexual activity, could be punished with between 60 days to 20 years imprisonment or discharge from the forces. In July , in response to a lesbian woman who was turned down from donating blood due to her sexual orientation, the Health Ministry issued a statement condemning the incident and affirming that one's sexual orientation is not a impediment to donate blood. Nevertheless, when comedian and playwright Carolina Silva Santisteban applied to donate blood in early , her application was rejected on the basis of her sexual orientation.